Rules for the competition
- Ride your bike to and from work from Monday - Friday,wear a helmet!
- Sign up on the score posters by the BTW Lockers.
- Track your miles to and from work through an tracking device(odometer,etc) or an app for validation Top cycling apps .
- Eligible to create teams, 5 riders max per team.
- If your total bike commute to and from work is less than 10 miles, you have the option to make up the deficit towards 10 miles on the weekend.
- Daily stage winner - Rider with the most miles on a particular day.
- Most stage wins - Rider with the most stage wins.
- Most miles ridden for the month - Awarded yellow jersey!
- Both facilities will compete to ride a cummulative of 5000 miles.The yellow jersey will be awarded to rider with most miles at the end of the race.
Leader Board
- We will have Leader boards at both facilities by the BTW lockers as well as on this webpage.
- Record your round trip miles/calories from the day before on the scoreboard before 10am everyday.
- Updates and recognitions will be made available on the website each day.